NDNEEL2s&9ÿÿÿÿì6AB: AU: CA: DB: DE: DO: +EM: 'GL: IT: LA: 2LS: 2OD: OI: PA: PU: SN: SO: . . : , . SO: . . : , SO: . . , . SO: . . , SO: . . : . SO: . . : SO: . . . SO: . . TI: UP: YR: xDHD DD#DHDed. HSD H D: DD$D%D&DDSLS!S"LDDDDDDD'DDH D D DDk‚‚‚ ‚ÿ ‚ ‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚ SO:  ¥CAB Abstracts (EDINA)EDINAUNOTE: This filter is set up to recognize data downloaded in the "Tag" format and not the "Name" format, whereby data elements are tagged with two letters, e.g. "AU" as opposed to "Author." These databases still occassionally use two-digit years, which EndNote cannot recognize. This filter is set up to import years into the Year field, but if it's a two-digit year, EndNote will ignore it. The alternative is to import years into the Notes (or some other) field. That way, all the data is preserved, but one would then have to move the years into the Year field manually after importing, supplying the missing "19" or "20" where needed. In addition, the data sometimes contains incorrect diacritics, e.g. "Musâee" instead of "Musée." Since that is how the data is presented, you will have to manually correct such errors after downloading. CAB Abstracts